Why your venue should be on Google Plus

Why your venue should be on Google Plus

Reading an article on Forbes satisfied my recent curiosities about the benefit of businesses getting on board with Google Plus.   Google is very good with integrating its services and apps into one account which in theory should encourage users to utilise the google+ service to their benefit from a social media perspective. The problem is that facebook still dominate the social web and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future rendering google plus relatively insignificant in terms of building a community of brand advocates.   Google's strengths currently lie elsewhere, notably their search engine dominance and business solutions although with the ability to intertwine their services, google have provided a solution to at least make Google Plus an attractive proposition to businesses with the revelation that registering your business on the platform would improve your business's SEO performance.   Do you ever get the impression no one is on Google Plus? That it’s utterly devoid of the vast audience that makes Facebook so...
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2013: A Responsive Year

2013: A Responsive Year

In the last few months, you may have noticed that some of your favourite websites have changed their look and the more observant of you would have additionally noticed how these sites have been built with mobile consumption in mind. You've probably seen many an article in the last year highlighting the rise of people using their mobile devices to browse the internet or use mobile apps which require an active connection.  The internet is now big business on mobile - some regard it as important as call time and this attitude is reflected in pricing strategies of the major mobile networks as well as the introduction of groundbreaking connectivity technologies such as the eagerly awaited 4G communication standard. If you already regularly browse the net on your phone, you may have noticed how most websites are not really built for mobile.  You'll find that you have to zoom in and scroll across the page on every line of text - it's...
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Beer of the Month

Beer of the Month

Lowlander are an independent bar and brasserie located in London.  They are recognised as a specialist of premium beer, mainly from the Low Countries (Belgium & Netherlands). Lowlander stock over 100 bottled beer products and up to 30 on draught. Every month we introduce a new variety of beer in our series of  monthly videos - Beer of the Month. Each month we position a member of the Lowlander team to discuss the next month's. Lowlander are widely praised for their knowledgeable and helpful staff so their appearance in the videos goes a long way to satisfying the viewer and the beer connoisseur.   View our Beer of the Month videos   In venue we have also distributed the below 'beer guide' which provides visitors with a basic insight into the featured products.  The guide also encourages the reader to book a beer tasting experience.     I'd definitely recommend this just as an advocate of the brand as opposed to it's client.  As a fan of premium beer, I'm yet to find anywhere else that offers a...
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