To get a partner on board can make a lot of sense if you have similar synergies and the fit is a good one. This is why the partnership arranged between Walkabout and Blue Square is a match made in heaven (pardon the pun!). Walkabout in exchange for funding ensure that the Blue Square branding appears on all printed material, coverage on the website and social media as well as in venue on the screens. They are the official partner and get a tangible awareness for their investment.
In addition to the above a highly successful sampling activity has taken place in key venues at key times that has added value to the customer experience (some even asked for their picture to be taken with the Blue Square girls!)
As a leader in sport this provides relevant content with a great fit i.e. Champions league tonight action tonight at Walkabout – Manchester United v Real Madrid with Ronaldo to score first at 5-1 with Blue Square.
Win win scenarios can happen and more and more smart people will be looking to get involved.
To find out more about partnerships get in contact.
Following a career with Scottish & Newcastle, Slug & Lettuce and the Spirit group Paul formed Magnify marketing in 2005. Its aim to be a leading customer communications agency for the leisure and hospitality industry. Magnify Marketing has grown supporting large national organisations as well as leading edge independents. Proud of our team and work we always look to add value at every turn and be fun to work with..... as life is too short to be miserable!
We are Magnify Marketing
We passionately believe that engaging communication is a real source of business success in the leisure, retail and hospitality markets.